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Biomarkers for Prediction and Diagnosis of Pregnancy Complications

Our researchers are in process of discovering predictive biomarkers that can be used in early pregnancy to identify women who are at high risk of developing preeclampsia, which will allow doctors and patients to personalize pregnancy care and improve outcomes. 

Comparative Placentation

Our researchers use mouse models in order to study the development of the placenta, to probe the contributions of placenta to fetal health and growth, and to evaluate the role of maternal obesity and metabolic disease on programming of health and disease in the offspring.


Modeling the Human Placenta

Our researchers have developed a method by which cells from the placenta at delivery can be reprogrammed first into “induced pluripotent stem cells” (iPSC’s) and subsequently differentiated into TSC’s.

Peri-Implantation Development

This project aims to identify factors that are associated with IVF success. Our researchers have studied early embryos at the blastocyst stage of development. 

Perinatal Loss

Our Center comprises of pediatric and perinatal pathologists who routinely perform detailed placental and post-mortem fetal and neonatal examinations (autopsies), and work closely with genetic counselors and colleagues in Obstetrics, Neonatology, and Radiology, in order identify causes of pregnancy loss and neonatal mortality.